How is Development Communication as an Art and Science of Human Communication?


Communication is the key to human development. According to Nora C. Quebral development communication as an art and science of human communication is applied to the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater social equality and the larger fulfillment of the human potential.

Our country is facing different kinds of problems in social, economic, agricultural, and industrial and many more. As, Development Communication communicators we can communicate with them and stressed the main roots of their problem and make an immediate action. Helping people in all levels of communication, through communication media techniques like for example social networking it can develop human thoughts, and can catch the curiosity of the audience and increasing human participation. In our generation today we are influence by modern technology, development communication can be useful in terms of developmental projects with the use of media.

Development communication is a big help in our progressive country, there is a dynamic strategy behind people participation, like for example communication activities, exchanging ideas and information in a very productive way. Face to face communication is the best way because there is a bridge understanding between you and the person you are dealing with.

We are living in a communication age there is a full impact of communication and the development we are having right now, are can be seen. Development involves change and we are also making change.

Communication focuses on a long process that can change our behavior.

As we look in the future the communication of rural development will be upon us. Helping us in our living and making our life to become easier. That was devcom is.




Development Communication: scientific and technological breakthroughs


“The basic building block of good communications is the feeling that every human being is unique and of value.”

In the year 1972 Nora C. Quebral , who also known as the “Mother of Development Communication turned a phrase “Development Communication”  which she gave explanation that it is “the art and science of human communication linked to a society’s planned transformation from a state of poverty to one of dynamic socio-economic growth that makes for greater equity and the larger unfolding of individual potential”. (Khan, 2009)

Communication is meant for every individual on how we deal and interact with other people and also to every little thing that surrounds us and Development was driven by the process of mankind’s evolution and later it was driven by technological human progress.

What is the significance of development communication in popularizing breakthroughs in science and technology?

In our present time, we, people know that there is high existence of technology in any part of the world. Science and Technology are linked hand in hand, because science is the intellectual practice or what we called “knowledge” and technology is the medium used to apply our knowledge.

Science and Technology is almost part of our everyday life, even we do not always see it but wherever we go, whatever we do, we can’t deny that there is always Technology.

In this way, the significance of development communication which has various characteristics that also implies balance creativity with understanding and its various contributions as it helps developed the challenge of sustainable global development, especially when it comes into social media that contributes in popularizing breakthrough in science and technology through giving more information to broaden people’s knowledge on how much of a role does technology play in those meaningful address of different problems in our society. 


Development Communication; an Art and Science of Human Communication


Development communication is the art and science of human communication, whereas one uses different mediums and communication tools to help widen the awareness of a community and provide the information needed for progression. As to what the founders and mother of development communication, Nora C. Quebral, says; “development communication is the art and science of human communication linked to a society’s planned transformation from a state of poverty to one dynamic socio-economic growth that makes for greater equality and the larger unfolding of individual potentials.”

Defining DevCom as an art: we see DevCom as very generous and selfless creation. An individual in the field of development communication is an artist that gives so much effort to its art piece and asks for nothing in the return and is even hardly rewarded for its sacrifice. A DevCom practitioner values the thought that giving is far more greater than receiving. Being unselfish, embracing humility and learning to see each and every individual for what they really are is a gift no one can ever take away. Getting to see life from a different lens is far more rewarding than seeing it averagely. Being a DevCom practitioner widens your understanding and gives a far greater instinct to make a difference than of others.

Development Communication as a science; how you may ask? Well, DevCom, alike any other fields revolving around the study of science, also starts with one hypothesis, turned into a problem, searching for a solution and studying the effects. These processes whom DevCom practitioners have come to embrace and are still currently looking for other ways of exemplifying it. For example, a DevCom practitioner will not just study its’ possible prospects, a DevCom practitioner will dig deeper to find out the roots and causes of problems inside a community through practicing immersion.

The essence of a real DevCom practitioner cannot be found in a piece of paper calling you a development communicator—it is found in the hearts of those who apprehend the real meaning of development communication—it is found in the depths of the minds of those who have understood the voice of the people.

Posted by: Richelle B. Conanan

Development Communication: As an Art and Science on Human Communication

What does Development Communication mean?

Development communication according to Quebral (2006) is:

The art and science of human communication applied to the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater social equality and the larger fulfillment of the human potential.

Development communication is recognizing the power of communication as a catalyst for social development. It is also the utilization of existent communication tools and applicable theories for result-driven strategies for the advancement of society.

Should not development communication also be taught in communication schools as art?

Communication has been regarded as art the tine of Aristotle. It became a science as well in the 19th century with the technology revolution and the advent of the mass media.

In Los Baños development communication began as agricultural journalism. It uses the methods of the social sciences to explain the communication process and to point the way to making it more efficient and participatory. Systematic research is one of its tools. Development communicators may not themselves do research all the time, but they should understand the methods, strengths and limitations of all types or research to be able to use their findings intelligently. It is linked to science in other way, and that is through the subject matter areas that need to be learned and taught for poverty to be overcome.

While development communication is thus associated with the physical, biological and other social sciences, it maintains its connections to the applied arts. In working towards specified development goals, the creativity of the writer, the broadcaster, the performer, the graphic artist, the director and all those associated with the art-related side of the old and new media can make the difference between pedestrian, and therefore ineffective, communication and sensitive, and therefore more meaningful communication.

Development Communication the art and science

Nora C. Quebral is a pioneering figure in the discipline of Development Communication in Asia and is often referred to as the”Mother of Development Communication”.

Nora C. Quebral defined development communication the art and science of human communication applied to the speedy trasformation of a counrty and the mass of the people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater eqality and the larger fullfillment of the human potential.

Why development communication is an art? Development communication is art. Because it requires lot creativity in human communication. The messages through the use of different types of communication media and materials. The message must not be dull and boring but show clearly how the information transmitted will make a difference in the life of the recipient it must not instill doubt or disbelief, but trust and confidence. The process you use in communicating to your audience. Interaction you’ve done is called an art. Sample you conducting an interview, you are preparing your own questions what you going to ask to your target audience. How you create or construct your phrase questions.You can get the information throughout to it. Development communication can uses art form such as pupperty or theater. Can also apply to the use of slideset, a leaflet, a video presentation, a comics strip, a seminar,etc. Through the use of art it can help to do your task. Planning and designing your communication materials.

Why development communication is a science? Development communication is social science. It applies systematic methods in making decisions and planning how effectively carry out communication interventions. Number one is that you must identify the basic problem (problem identification), number two- you must gather data about the problem (data gathering). Lastly you must develop and test materials, methods,or new communication processes (hypothesis formulation).

DevCom as an Art and Science for Human Communication

What is development communication?

According to Nora C. Quebral, development communication is the art and science of human communication linked to a society’s planned transformation from a state of poverty to one dynamic socio-economic growth that makes for greater equality and the larger unfolding of individual potentials. The main focus of Development Communication is developing a community through that the effort of the people living on the society.

As it says in Quebral’s definition it is the society’s transformation from a state of poverty to one dynamic socio-ecomonic growth, so it definitely makes a poor society into a better society. As a development practitioners we must be a catalyst for change. It is considered as the art and science of human communication because through different kinds of communications we can help develop a community. The bigest role when it comes to development is given to the people living in a certain participation is a big factor when it comes to developing a community. They say change must start within self.

In a modern society there were a lot of new technologies that can help us promote our advocacies as DevCom practitioners. Just like our social netwoking sites, with just one click we can gain a lot of supporters to make our advocacies possible to happen. But we must not settle for development alone. It must be sustainable development. When we say sustainable development it is the process of maximizing the use of available resources in order to ensure the long-term well-being of present and future beneficiaries. It is a continuous progress which aims for and maintains a constructive state of living in society as preserved by social institutions and systems. And according to one site in the internet, sustainable development entails ecomonic sustainability, social sustainability and cultural sustainability.