How is Development Communication as an Art and Science of Human Communication?


Communication is the key to human development. According to Nora C. Quebral development communication as an art and science of human communication is applied to the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater social equality and the larger fulfillment of the human potential.

Our country is facing different kinds of problems in social, economic, agricultural, and industrial and many more. As, Development Communication communicators we can communicate with them and stressed the main roots of their problem and make an immediate action. Helping people in all levels of communication, through communication media techniques like for example social networking it can develop human thoughts, and can catch the curiosity of the audience and increasing human participation. In our generation today we are influence by modern technology, development communication can be useful in terms of developmental projects with the use of media.

Development communication is a big help in our progressive country, there is a dynamic strategy behind people participation, like for example communication activities, exchanging ideas and information in a very productive way. Face to face communication is the best way because there is a bridge understanding between you and the person you are dealing with.

We are living in a communication age there is a full impact of communication and the development we are having right now, are can be seen. Development involves change and we are also making change.

Communication focuses on a long process that can change our behavior.

As we look in the future the communication of rural development will be upon us. Helping us in our living and making our life to become easier. That was devcom is.




Development Communication as an Art and Science….

Dr. Nora Quebral of the University of the Philippines at Los Baños defines Development Communication as “the art and science of human communication applied to a speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater social equality and the larger fulfillment of the human potentials”.

How is DevCom as an art and science of human communication?

Development Communication as an art of human communication means of being creative in communicating or giving messages to its audience simply with the use of various communication media and communication materials. On the other hand, communication materials can also be a source of communication information. In the practice of field programs such as conducting seminars, workshop, community organization or having an interview, we can gather information which we wanted to know. In a working environment it is very convenient to make use of outputs such as posters, leaflets or TV spots because it is easy to get the attention of the audience before he would decide to read it.

          Development Communication is a branch of communication science yet its basic differences lies with its orientation. It is essentially an orientation towards people for it implies a personal belief, a personal stand and a personal commitment. It is a message-centric and receiver-oriented because it does not limit itself to use of mass media.

Development Communication is relatively a young science because it uses scientific methods, where different theories and principles are being applied in giving solutions to the societies problem. And also for creating decisions and planned how to carry out the communication intervention in a society.  Development communication as a science helps to improve the public to gain understanding of science in determining where to get primary information. Through organization, processes, packages or distributing ideas in forms of communication materials such as leaflets, electronic mail, television or radio. It also helps to educate, teach the poor to improve his life by knowing how to provide for himself and his family the basic needs.



Ongkiko, I.V and Flor, A (1998). Introduction to Development Communication. Development Communication, Page 129. SEAMEO Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture and the University of the Philippines Open City. Philippines

… An Art and Science

Quebral (2006) gave explanation to Development Communication as an art and science of human communication applied to the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater social equality and the larger fulfillment of the human potential.

Nora C. Quebral, tagged as the "Mother of Development Communication"

Nora C. Quebral, tagged as the “Mother of Development Communication”

photo credits:

How is DevCom as an art and science of human communication?

It was stressed by Quebral that Development Communication should be accepted first before it can be used. Development communicators must always engage professionals, policymakers and administrators as they can be “just as resistant to change and as traditional in their ways of thought”.

As an art, DevCom is indeed given more emphasis as it can be exercised using different forms of media particularly, Social Networking in order to uphold the various plans and programs of the different developmental sectors in the nation to develop and organize the developmental thoughts and interests of the people may they be in a small or in a larger community.

Nowadays, with the advent of modern technology, Development Communication is bombarded by numerous opportunities to be more realized and become a more significant part of human communication. Quebral exemplifies how development communication can be very useful in development projects such as the promotion of the grain processing technology in the Philippines. Using different media, DevCom practitioners could be able to promote the up to date information in modern farming thus, will help contribute significantly to the farming industry.

Development Communication is audience-oriented. It covers not only the farmers of this country but also, it enables to uplift the lives of people in different conditions of the state. As an art and science, DevCom is now anchored with the innovation of modern technology. While technology innovates, DevCom is also moving forward.


Development Communication in the Agricultural Context (1971, with a new foreword)’, Asian Journal of Communication, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 100-107