DevCom as an Art and Science for Human Communication

What is development communication?

According to Nora C. Quebral, development communication is the art and science of human communication linked to a society’s planned transformation from a state of poverty to one dynamic socio-economic growth that makes for greater equality and the larger unfolding of individual potentials. The main focus of Development Communication is developing a community through that the effort of the people living on the society.

As it says in Quebral’s definition it is the society’s transformation from a state of poverty to one dynamic socio-ecomonic growth, so it definitely makes a poor society into a better society. As a development practitioners we must be a catalyst for change. It is considered as the art and science of human communication because through different kinds of communications we can help develop a community. The bigest role when it comes to development is given to the people living in a certain participation is a big factor when it comes to developing a community. They say change must start within self.

In a modern society there were a lot of new technologies that can help us promote our advocacies as DevCom practitioners. Just like our social netwoking sites, with just one click we can gain a lot of supporters to make our advocacies possible to happen. But we must not settle for development alone. It must be sustainable development. When we say sustainable development it is the process of maximizing the use of available resources in order to ensure the long-term well-being of present and future beneficiaries. It is a continuous progress which aims for and maintains a constructive state of living in society as preserved by social institutions and systems. And according to one site in the internet, sustainable development entails ecomonic sustainability, social sustainability and cultural sustainability.